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Update: 2024-08-06

Table of Contents


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each sine wave signal.

誤差が最大となった YIN-CMND type I は低周波域で大きな誤差が出ています。


Image of plot of mean absolute error to sine wave signal under 6000Hz.

MPM-CMND type II の誤差が最小となりました。サンプリング周波数の3/4よりも高い周波数ではピッチ推定が失敗しやすいのかもしれません。


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each frequency of sin with noise signal.


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each noise_ratio of sin with noise signal.

明るいほど誤差が大きく、白い部分は nan を表しています。グラフの右にあるカラーバーの数字を \(a\) とすると誤差の値は \(10^a\) です。

NSD は信号の大きさ1に対してノイズの大きさが3を超えるとうまく計算できないようです。

Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is yin_cmnd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is yin_cmnd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is yin_nsd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is yin_nsd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is mpm_cmnd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is mpm_cmnd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is mpm_nsd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin with noise signal. Method is mpm_nsd_type2.


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each carrier frequency of sin AM signal.


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each modulator frequency of sin AM signal.

明るいほど誤差が大きく、白い部分は nan を表しています。グラフの右にあるカラーバーの数字を \(a\) とすると誤差の値は \(10^a\) です。

Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is yin_cmnd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is yin_cmnd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is yin_nsd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is yin_nsd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is mpm_cmnd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is mpm_cmnd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is mpm_nsd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin AM signal. Method is mpm_nsd_type2.


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each carrier frequency of sin FM signal.


Image of plot of mean absolute error for each modulator frequency of sin FM signal.

明るいほど誤差が大きく、白い部分は nan を表しています。グラフの右にあるカラーバーの数字を \(a\) とすると誤差の値は \(10^a\) です。

Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is yin_cmnd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is yin_cmnd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is yin_nsd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is yin_nsd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is mpm_cmnd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is mpm_cmnd_type2.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is mpm_nsd_type1.
Image of plot of mean absolute error to sin FM signal. Method is mpm_nsd_type2.