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Update: 2024-08-21

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ParallelDetune is a detuning effect with 8 pitch shifters connected in parallel. It can be used to spread stereo image similar to chorus effect.

full package contains following builds.

Linux build is built on Ubuntu 22.04. If you are using distribution other than Ubuntu 22.04, plugin will not likely to run. In this case, please take a look at build instruction.

macOS package is recommended for macOS user. I can’t purchase Apple Developer Program, therefore installation requires a workaround to bypass Gatekeeper. Details of workaround are written in Installation -> macOS Specific section.

Feel free to contact me on GitHub repository or

You can fund the development through

Move *.vst3 directory to:

DAW may provides additional VST3 directory. For more information, please refer to the manual of the DAW.

Notice: Some plugins don’t have presets provided by Uhhyou Plugins.

Presets are included in the plugin package linked at the top of this page. To install presets, follow the steps below.

  1. Download plugin from a link at the top of this page.
  2. Extract downloaded zip file.
  3. Open presets directory placed in extracted package.
  4. Move Uhhyou directory into an OS specific preset directory (see below).

Below is a list of preset directories for each OS.

Preset directory name must be the same as the plugin. If preset directory does not exist, create it.

If DAW doesn’t recognize the plugin, try installing C++ redistributable (vc_redist.x64.exe). Installer can be found in the link below.

On Ubuntu 22.04, those packages are required.

sudo apt install libxcb-cursor0  libxkbcommon-x11-0

If DAW doesn’t recognize the plugin, take a look at Package Requirements section of the link below and make sure all the VST3 related package is installed.

REAPER on Linux may not recognize the plugin. A workaround is to delete a file ~/.config/REAPER/reaper-vstplugins64.ini and restart REAPER.

Important: full package is not confirmed working. When using full, try removing following files.

macOS package doesn’t contain above files. Also, all packages are in “ad-hoc signing” state set by codesign command.

When trying to run plugin first time, following message may appear on macOS.

<PluginName>.vst3 is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

In this case, open terminal and try running one or both of following command to unzipped .vst3 directory. Replace /path/to/PluginName.vst3 according to your install location.

xattr -rd /path/to/PluginName.vst3
xattr -rc /path/to/PluginName.vst3

Plugin may be considered as unsigned/un-notarized application. In this case, open System Preferences, go to Security & Privacy → General, then click the Open Anyway button. The offcial Apple help page linked below has screenshots for the procedure. See “If you want to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer” section.

If the plugin is still not working, try changing install location to /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST3/ or /Users/$USERNAME/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST3/ whichever still haven’t tried.

If all the above methods do not work, try following the steps below.

  1. Open terminal and run sudo spctl --master-disable.
  2. Go to System Preferences → Security and Privacy → General → Allow apps downloaded from, then select “Anywhere”.

Beware that steps above degrades security of your system. To revert the settings, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to System Preferences → Security and Privacy → General → Allow apps downloaded from, then select option to “App Store and identified developers”.
  2. Open terminal and run sudo spctl --master-enable.

Note This section may not relevant to macOS packages. However it’s not verified. (GitHub issue)

To use full package, following command might be used.

sudo codesign --force --deep -s - /path/to/PluginName.vst3

codesign might not be available without installing Xcode.

At first time, create color config file to:

style.json will be loaded for each time a plugin window opens.

Several color themes are available on the link below. To use, copy the text to style.json.

Below is an example of style.json.

  "fontFamily"        : "Tinos"    ,
  "fontBold"          : true       ,
  "fontItalic"        : true       ,
  "foreground"        : "#000000"  ,
  "foregroundButtonOn": "#000000"  ,
  "foregroundInactive": "#8a8a8a"  ,
  "background"        : "#ffffff"  ,
  "boxBackground"     : "#ffffff"  ,
  "border"            : "#000000"  ,
  "borderCheckbox"    : "#000000"  ,
  "borderLabel"       : "#000000"  ,
  "unfocused"         : "#dddddd"  ,
  "highlightMain"     : "#0ba4f1"  ,
  "highlightAccent"   : "#13c136"  ,
  "highlightButton"   : "#fcc04f"  ,
  "highlightWarning"  : "#fc8080"  ,
  "overlay"           : "#00000088",
  "overlayHighlight"  : "#00ff0033"

Following is a list of font options.

System font can be used as fontFamily. To use different fonts for different plugins, place *.ttf file into custom font path: *.vst3/Contents/Resources/Fonts.

Notice: If the combination of fontFamily, fontBold, fontItalic does not exist in custom font path, default font of VSTGUI is used.

If fontFamily is set to empty string "", then "Tinos" is used as fallback. If the length is greater than 1 and the font family name doesn’t exist, default font of VSTGUI is used.

Styles other than bold, italic or bold-italic are not supported by VSTGUI. For example, “Thin”, “Light”, “Medium”, and “Black” weights cannot be used.

Hex color codes are used.

First letter # is conventional. Plugins ignore the first letter of color code, thus ?102938, \n11335577 are valid.

Do not use characters outside of 0-9a-f for color value.

Following is a list of color options. If an option is missing, default color will be used.

Right Click on the controls pops up a context menu provided by DAW.

Knob and slider provides following controls:

Control with many blue vertical bars (BarBox) have some keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts are enabled after left clicking BarBox and mouse cursor is on the inside of BarBox.

Input Control
Left Drag Change Value
Shift + Left Drag Change Value (Snapped)
Ctrl + Left Drag Reset to Default
Ctrl + Shift + Left Drag Change Value (Skip Between Frames)
Middle Drag Draw Line
Shift + Middle Drag Edit One Bar
Ctrl + Middle Drag Reset to Default
Ctrl + Shift + Middle Drag Toggle Lock
a Alternate Sign
d Reset Everything to Default
D Toggle Min/Mid/Max
e Emphasize Low
E Emphasize High
f Low-pass Filter
F High-pass Filter
i Invert Value (Preserve minimum)
I Invert Value (Minimum to 0)
l Toggle Lock under Mouse Cursor
L Toggle Lock for All
n Normalize (Preserve minimum)
N Normalize (Minimum to 0)
p Permute
r Randomize
R Sparse Randomize
s Sort Descending Order
S Sort Ascending Order
t Subtle Randomize (Random walk)
T Subtle Randomize (Converge to 0)
z Undo
Z Redo
, (Comma) Rotate Back
. (Period) Rotate Forward
1 Decrease
2-4 Decrease 2n-4n
5-9 Decimate by holding 2n-5n

Snapping is not available for all BarBox. If you’d like to have snapping for certain BarBox, feel free to open issue to GitHub repository.

Edit One Bar with Shift + Right Drag holds a bar under the cursor when mouse right button is pressed. Then only changes that one bar while holding down mouse right button.

Toggle Lock with Ctrl + Shift + Right Drag behaves as line edit. When right mouse button (RMB) is pressed, it holds the opposite state of the bar below mouse cursor, then use the state for the rest of bars. For example, if RMB is pressed on a locked bar, dragging unlocks bars while holding down RMB.

Some BarBox has scroll bar to zoom in. Scroll bar has handles on left end and right end. To control zoom, use Left Drag on one of the handle. Scroll bar also has following controls:

If the image is small, use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel or “View Image” on right click menu to scale.

Diagram only shows overview. It’s not exact implementation.

ParallelDetune can receive note events to control pitch shift amount.

Characters inside of square brackets [] represents unit. Following is a list of units used in ParallelDetune.


Gain for bypassing input signal.


Gain for output signal comes out from ParallelDetune.


Pitch shifter feedback gain.


Cutoff frequency of highpass (HP) or lowpass (LP) filter on feedback path.

Delay Time [s]

Buffer length of pitch shifter. The value is not exact, but a rough indication.

When the value of Shift \[oct.\] is not 0.0, delay time is doesn’t match the displayed value because of the change of buffer playback speed.

LFO can be applied by turning the knob on the right side of number slider.

Transpose [st.]

Pitch shift amount used for all the pitch shifters.

This might be convenient when changing all the pitch shift at once.

LFO can be applied by turning the knob on the right side of number slider.

Pan. Spread

Amount of stereo spread.

When Pan. Spread is 0.0, left and right channels are processed without affecting other. When Pan. Spread is 1.0, the output of the pitch shifters with same index on left and right channel are summed, then stereo panning is applied from left to right in order from lowest index to highest.

When LFO is applied, it rotates the pan. Note that waveform of LFO is fixed to sine wave for Pan. Spread.

Tremolo can be used in combination of Pan. Spread to add character to stereo spread.

Tremolo Mix, Tremolo Lean

Tremolo parameters.

Tremolo is disabled when Tremolo Lean is set to 12 o’clock, or Tremolo Mix is set to leftmost.

Tremolo is fully applied when Tremolo Lean is set to leftmost or rightmost, and Tremolo Mix is set to rightmost.

When Pan. Spread is not 0.0, stereo image leans left or right depending on the value of Tremolo Lean.

Pitch Shift [st.], Fine Tuning [cent]

Amount of pitch shift.

Pitch Shift is suitable to change large amount of pitch, and Fine Tuning is suitable to change small amount. The range of Pitch Shift is 1 octave, and the range of Fine Tuning is 10 cents.


Gain for each pitch shifter.

Time Multiplier

Buffer length for each pitch shifter. The value is relative to Delay Time.

HP Offset [oct.], LP Offset [oct.]

Highpass or lowpass filter cutoff frequency for each pitch shifter. The value is relative to the value of HP or LP.

L-R Offset

LFO phase offset between stereo channels.


A value that is added to LFO phase.

To manually control LFO phase, set Rate to leftmost to stop LFO, then change the value of Phase. Also, the value of Smoothing affects the response time when Phase is changed.


When checked, it enables tempo synchronization (tempo sync). LFO phase also synchronize to the exact position derived from sync interval, and time passed from the start of playback.

When not checked, LFO behaves as same as if synchronizing to 120 BPM. It also disables LFO phase sync.

Tempo Upper

Numerator of sync interval.

LFO synchronizes to 1 bar when (Tempo Upper) / (Tempo Lower) is 1/1. 1/4 synchronizes to 1 beat when time signature of 4/4. Note that Rate multiplies the sync interval.

Following is the equation to calculate sync interval.

syncInterval = (Rate) * (Tempo Upper) / (Tempo Lower);
Tempo Lower

Denominator of sync interval.

Note that Rate multiplies the sync interval.


Multiplier to sync interval.

Rate is convenient when changing sync interval while keeping the values of Tempo Upper and Tempo Lower.

Wave Interp.

LFO wave form interpolation method.

Step makes LFO to act like a sequencer. Linear sounds similar to PCHIP, and the computation cost is lower. PCHIP is the most smooth among all 3.

LFO Wave

LFO waveform.

Smoothing [s]

Paramter smoothing time in seconds.

For example, if the value of Smoothing is set to 0.01 or something short, the change of parameter almost immediately applies. So it sounds more snappy, but may introduce audible pop noise. On the other hand, if the value of Smoothing is set to 1.0 for example, the change of parameter is only slowly followed.

ParallelDetune is licensed under GPLv3. Complete licenses are linked below.

If the link above doesn’t work, please send email to

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, registered in Europe and other countries.